Trap Neuter and Return Plus Managing Cat Colonies

Trap neuter and return is when you capture a stray cat, get it neutered, ad then return it to the wild.

If you see some stray cats, your heart just goes out to them, right? Living on the streets can’t be easy for a cat. They have predators, mean people to deal with they have to find shelter in the rain and cold, and they need food. That cat was probably someone’s pet that was abandoned. Or perhaps the cat was born to an abandoned cat who got pregnant when she was living on the streets.

You won't be able to find a furever home for every stray cat you see, no matter how hard you try. what you can do is trap nueter and return and then manage the care of a colony of stray cats in your neighborhood.

A Stray Cat on the StreetPhoto by Manuel Rheinschmidt.

You may be moved to leave some cat food out for the stray cat. Many people do this as a kindly gesture. But, just like feeding bread to wild birds, leaving cat food on the street may be doing more harm than good.  Here are some reasons why you should reconsider leaving cat food out on the street and what you can do for the cats instead to really make their life better. 

Trap neuter and return is the very best thing you can do for a stray cat. If you are going to do one thing for a feral cat, don’t just feed it - trap neuter and return it.

Why You Should Not Just Put Food Out For Stray Cats

A Cat Eating Fish Bones on the Street From a Paper Plate and the Bones Are Getting on the Ground

The word “just” is important there. If you put food out and do nothing else, you could be creating a dangerous situation. After I talk about why you shouldn’t just leave food out, I’ll tell you what you can do.

One problem with just leaving food out for a cat and then forgetting about it is that it leaves trash.

Plates and cans of food left on the sidewalk or on empty lots can build up and create trash if they are not cleaned daily. If the cats don’t eat the food right up. It can be smelly and breed bacteria. 

Raccoon Eating Food That Was Left Out for a Cat

Also, it can attract other animals - ants, mice, raccoons, skunks, etc. Maybe the cats will catch the mice, but maybe not. These other animals then start making their homes in places that are densely populated by humans and cause trouble.

It can spread disease

Feral cats are not vaccinated and they can catch fleas. They can spread disease to each other when they gather to eat the food and they can spread disease to humans.

Cats Gather And Do What Cats Do

Three Cats. It looks like a Mom, Dad and KittenPhoto by John Patrick Quevada.

Cats will gather around the feeding places. They will then fight, spread disease, and get pregnant. Then you have even more cats to take care of. Cats can multiply very quickly. They’ll poop and pee everywhere, go after birds, destroy property, and annoy other people who live in the area. 

What starts out as a nice gesture of feeding a cat can quickly turn into a nightmare as more and more cats need more and more food. They still have no shelter or medical care. This is where trap neuter and return (and vaccinate), and managing cat colonies comes in.

Trap Neuter and Return (TNR)

A Cat With Its Ear Clipped, Which Means It Went Through Trap Neuter and ReturnPhoto by Lily Banse

Trap neuter and return (TNR) is the very best thing you can do for a stray cat. If you are going to do one thing for a feral cat, don’t just feed it - trap neuter and return it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Trap neuter and return (TNR) is the very best thing you can do for a stray cat. If you are going to do one thing for a feral cat, don’t just feed it - trap neuter and return it.

Stray cats multiply rapidly. A mom has kittens and those kittens have kittens. They have kittens with each other and with the mom and dad and become inbred and it just keeps going. Yes, they need food, but they need to not multiply and create more cats first.

Cat in a Trap,_captured_during_a_US_military_neuter_and_release_program,_crouches_in_a_cage_in_Southwest_Asia,_Sept._28,_2015.jpg

You can get a cheap havaheart trap. You can rent or borrow a trap from a local shelter or animal control. You can buy a more expensive trap that will last a long time. Leave the trap out with food in it and one of the cats will go in it.

Take the cat to get neutered. Many communities have low-cost spay/neuter clinics. Find one in your area, make an appointment, and take the cat there. When the cat is neutered, it’s ear will be clipped so that people can easily look at it an know that it is a neutered cat. After a day or two of recovery after the surgery, you can try to socialize the cat, rescue it, find a home for it, or keep it indoors for yourself. Or you can just return it back in the wild. That cat will not reproduce.

Woman Feeding Stray Cats

Get other people involved in this project. Theoretically, you can trap neuter and return all the cats in the area and be done with it. Unfortunately, people keep dumping their cats so you might need to find a new cat to do TNR with.

If you want to truly help stray cats, trap neuter and return is the first and most important thing you should do for them. Investigate how to get traps, how to get low-cost neutering, and get other people who care about cats involved.

Cat Colony Management: Taking Care of Feral Cats

Some Cats on Some Steps. One Cat Is Eating Something

If you want to do more than TNR for the cats, you can be wise about it and really help them. Medical care, shelter, litter areas, and, of course, feeding schedules can make the life of these cats as good as it can be.

Get help from cat-loving neighbors with this project. You can bring the neighborhood together with the activity of caring for the cats. People will enjoy the cats and the cats will keep the area free from mice. It’s always best to get buy-in and support from the people in the surrounding areas. Also, make sure there is cat care coverage if one of the colony managers gets sick, goes away, or stops participating.

Keep records for all the cats in the colony. Give them names and record their behaviors. This will help you know better if one is sick and if a new cat enters the colony.

Medical Care for a Cat Colony

A Vet Giving a Cat a ShotPhoto by Gustavo Fring:

When you get the cats TNR’d add one more letter to the process - V. Get the cats vaccinated while they are being neutered if you can. This will help prevent a lot of diseases.

Keep records of the cats and take them to the vet if one is sick. If you can trap the cat and take it to the vet quickly to get treatment, the other cats might stay well. Fleas and other pests may not be a problem for outdoor cats but definitely have a plan for what to do with cats that need medical help. Maybe you can take your colony cats to the same place where they got neutered.

Shelter for Cat Colonies

You can buy fancy shelters for the cats or make your own. You can make shelters out of wood, or upcycle materials. You want the shelter to keep the cat out of the rain and you want the cat to stay warm in the winter. 

It’s great to have a box made of wood with a round hole in the side for the cat to get in and out of. Have an overhanging roof to keep the rain out. Put plenty of straw in the shelter to keep the cat warm. Hay is not good because it can get moldy. Blankets aren’t good because they can retain moisture. Lots of hay is a great insulator.

Litter Areas for Cat Colonies

A Grumpy Looking CatPhoto by Sandy Millar.

Make places that are attractive for them to use the bathroom and keep these areas clean. It’s best not to have cat poop everywhere. You can get covered litter boxes, put moss or sand in them, and place them in out-of-the-way areas.

Feeding Cat Colonies

Cats tend to prefer canned food, but you can also feed them dry food. Feed them on a regular schedule and don’t leave the food out and walk away. Stick around and clean up after 30 minutes. This way you won’t be leaving trash or food to attract wildlife. Make sure there are water bowls available all the time.

Trap Neuter and Return feral Cats and Then Manage Their Colonies

The best thing you can do for feral cats in your area is to trap neuter and return (TNR). You can also work with other people to keep the cats happy and healthy through cat colony management. You can get tons of information about this through Ally Cat Allies.

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