There are some common plants that could be poisonous plants for pets to eat. Also, many human table foods are toxic for pets. This goes for dogs, cats, small furry animals, reptiles, and others. There are many poisonous plants and foods that are common for all these different types of animals. But some plants and foods that are poisonous for pets are only dangerous for some species. Be sure to research about your particular pet and pet-proof your house before bringing your pet home.
Signs of poisoning for most animals include vomiting or diarrhea; itchiness, swelling, or redness around the mouth; or watery eyes. Indications of organ damage include drooling, breathing or swallowing difficulties, weakness, irregular heartbeat, or excessive drinking and urination.
I will note that, in my experience, many animals seem to instinctively keep away from poisonous plants for pets. I have a holly tree in my yard and my indoor/outdoor cats never seemed to eat it and nor did my pigs. I had English Ivy growing in my yard and I pulled it up before I got my pigs. It is a pretty hardy plant and grew back before I knew it! While the pigs ate most of the plants in my backyard, they stayed away from the ivy. Definitely err on the side of caution, but just because your pet is exposed to a poisonous plant, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will ingest it.
Some plants are very poisonous. Lily is the most poisonous for cats. If you have a vase of flowers that contain any of these plants, make sure your cat can’t get at them. Other plants are not that poisonous and will just cause a tummy ache if your pet eats them.
This is not an exhaustive list, so always be careful when you get houseplants and when you have food laying around. Check to see if these are ok to have around your pet. Be sure to talk with your vet about this issue and research it in depth
Be aware that many common houseplants are poisonous plants for pets. Just because humans can eat something, doesn't mean all animals can eat it (I'm looking at you chocolate!!). You wouldn't nibble on your house plants but your dog/cat/rabbit/ or other animal might, so be careful! While many animals seem to shy away from eating items that are harmful to them, many times they will eat something with relish and poison themselves. So keep the environment safe from toxic items for your pet.
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