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Poppy at home

After having no cats in my house for a while my family agreed to adopt a one-eyed cat I heard about. He was extremely standoffish. I loved him, but I still

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Last Chance Ranch

The Last Chance Van with pictures of adopted animalson it

Last Chance Ranch is in Southeastern PA. They began in 1999 and they just keep growing. They have all kinds of animals up for adoption. they have horses,

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Cap'm Nick Furry

Cap'm Nick liked to hang out on the window sill

We were without a cat in the house for a while when I stumbled upon a video from a local shelter. The video was pirate-themed and showed a salty tuxedo

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Richard Parker

Richard Parker sitting on the couch

As I would leave my house, I would often see a cat that looked just like my cat on the street. I was always surprised because I'd see my cat, Marshal,

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Me holding Marshal

I became known in the neighborhood as the foster pet person. So when someone found a kitten in the park, they brought that kitten to me. After putting

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Mischief the cat sitting on a couch

When my kids were little, they expressed that they wanted a dog. We didn't have pets because my husband was allergic. I also suspected that the kids had

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Best Pet for Me: Uncover Your Ideal Animal Match

various animals

What's the best pet for me - a description of different pets so you can decide which pet is right for you. You can adopt other animals besides just dogs and cats.

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