First Stop: Heredia

Our first stop on our eco-tourism trip to Costa Rica was Heredia, a small city about a 30-minute drive from the San Jose airport. After arriving in the early afternoon and making our way through immigration and getting the rental car, we arrived at our hotel.

The weather in this area of Costa Rica was quite pleasant to me. It was warm, but not too hot and it cooled down at night.

I'm not trying to advertise for anyone, but I am telling about my experiences in Costa Rica - most of which were absolutely fantastic.

Where We Stayed

A selfie of us on the balcony of our room in Heredia

We stayed at Casa Familiar La Tortuga. It’s a home where some of the rooms are rented out. We met Fernando and his family. Our room was spacious and had a balcony. This is the view from our balcony.

Me relaxing on the hammock in our room.

We also had a hammock in our room!

But we also had a real bed that we actually slept in. We parked behind a locked gate in front of the house. They offered breakfast, but we chose to explore and get breakfast during our explorations.

Our Heredia Experience

A road in Costa Rica with a deep drainage ditch on the side

This was our introduction to what roads are like in many places in Costa Rica. The roads often have these ditches on the side with “bridges” for pedestrians to cross. The roads were also kind of narrow and people drove very close together, compared to what I am used to.

We were only in Heredia for one night. We just walked around the area where we were staying. It’s a quiet college town with great views.

a house on the corner of a street in Heredia. It is a two story house. IT might be an apartment building

Unfortunately, I only took one picture of a house, and I took it because it was different than most of the other houses. It was taller than other houses - most of them were just one story.

me stainding in from of some lights that make it look like I have angel wings.

We explored a park that had a lot of Christmas decorations.

And we had some wonderful coffee at Armonia cafe.

It was a short stay where we got used to being in Costa Rica. You can read about our visit to the Toucan Rescue Ranch here.

Our next stop was Monteverde where we stayed at Valle Escondido, explored places on our own, and had several guided tours.

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