Chinese Water Dragons

Chinese water dragon close up Photo by Volker Kaes: by Volker Kaes:

Water dragons are popular pets because they are not that big and they are very friendly. With the right care, they can be quite a nice hypoallergenic, interesting pet with a very cool name.


Like all reptiles, they may carry salmonella. They will only bite when they are threatened and have no alternatives.

Like People?

Chinese water dragons actually like being held. If you handle them frequently they will become very tame.  If you neglect them they might become aggressive.  If they are frightened they might bite or whip their tail.

chinese water dragon on a branch Photo by Cameron Gawn: by Cameron Gawn:


They are active during the day and sleep at night.

Chinese water dragon in red light. Photo by Anastasiya Pavlova by Anastasiya Pavlova


They can grow yo to 3 feet long, with most of that being their tail. Females tend to be smaller than males.

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