
Chameleons are fascinating pets to watch. They will change color to match the surface they are on. They do require a little extra care than some other reptiles. They are not obvious when they are threatened or stressed and these negative emotions can affect their health. So the chameleon owner needs to be very in tune with the animals and work to minimize difficulties.

A chameleon on a branch.


Chameleons are not dangerous to people. They prefer to live alone and may fight with each other if more than one is kept in an enclosure.

Like People?

They will tolerate being held if it is done gently. They won’t try to bite or scratch if they are threatened. Instead, they will just freeze up. The owner of a chameleon needs to be able to recognize signs of stress in their pet so they don’t torment the chameleon unknowingly. Handling should be kept to a minimum.

A chameleon blending into the background


Cameleons are diurnal so they are most active during the daytime.


There are many different types of chameleons - over 150 species. Some of them are just an inch long, Others will grow to be over 2 feet.

Temperature and Humidity

Like all reptiles, they need a basking spot, a warm area, and a cool area. The exact temperature is dependent on what species of chameleon you have. Humidity should be between 65-80%.

A chameleon among some branches


The cage should be at least 3 x 3 x 4 feet and kept up high, like on a table. Remember, you need a cage that is at least 3 times the length of the animal. 

They need lots of branches to climb on and they want to be able to survey the land. In the wild, they are used to climbing trees, so you want to simulate that kind of environment. They also prefer a habitat that has many plants for them to scurry through and hide in. They would love a lush, green enclosure with terrarium moss or coconut husks on the bottom of the cage. The bedding should be easy to clean, help keep the humidity up, and not have any chemicals that could harm the chameleon. You could also use reptile carpet or linoleum with paper. The chameleon will spend most of its time in the branches.


They will eat live insects like crickets, mealworms, and wax worms. The insect should be dusted with calcium and a vitamin supplement. They should also be gut-loaded, which means the insect should have a full stomach before being given to the chameleon to eat.

They use their very long, sticky tongue to catch their prey, so it can be really interesting to watch them eat.

They drink water off of leaves, so you need to mist the foliage frequently or use an automatic mister. They don’t really like to swim or have baths, so a water dish isn’t required, but dripping wet plants are a must.

A chameleon drinking water drops from a leaf

Lifespan and Health

There are many different types of chameleons. A Panther chameleon will only live a couple of years, while a Jackson’s chameleon might live up to 10 years. Chameleons are susceptible to metabolic bone disease, parasites, and respiratory problems. Keeping their diet high quality with vitamin supplements and keeping their cage clean will help to keep them healthy.

To find out about other reptile pets and pets of other species, return to the Best Pet For Me List.

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