Burmese pythons


Burmese pythons are impressive looking snakes because of their large size. The size is what makes them popular and is also what makes them hard to care for. Not only do you need a very large cage for them, but you have to be careful that these large, strong pets don’t overpower you.


They are dangerous because they are so big and strong. It is often recommended that two people be present during feeding time so that the snake does not overpower the human. It is also recommended to handle the snake often outside of feeding time so they don’t equate human interaction with only eating. Owners have died when they do not properly respect the power of Burmese Pythons. Because of their size and power, they are not good pets for beginners or children. With these, caveats, these snakes are usually quite docile.

Like People?

A snake with an open mouth. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Python_molurus_bivittatus_open_mouth.jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Python_molurus_bivittatus_open_mouth.jpg

Generally, captive-bred Burmese Python snakes that are handled gently and often from a young age are fond of humans. They make even-tempered pets.


Burmese Pythons are nocturnal.


These are some of the largest snakes. Their impressive size is part of what makes them attractive to many pet owners. They can grow up to 20 feet and weigh over 200 pounds.

Temperature and Humidity

They need a basking spot of 90 degrees F, a general temperature of 80-85 degrees F, and a nighttime temperature no lower than 78 degrees F.

Humidity should be kept at 50-60%. There should be a water dish that the snake can put their whole body into - this can be hard with a really large snake. You could also have a hidy in the enclosure that has high humidity, and you can mist the cage a few times a day.

These snakes also need 10-12 hours of light a day, with darkness the rest of the time. Regular sunlight may need to be supplemented with special lighting.


A Burmese python curled up on itself. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Burmese_Python-Albino_(Python_Bivittatus).jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Burmese_Python-Albino_(Python_Bivittatus).jpg

You need a really large habitat for these really large snakes. Some people make a part of a room safe for the snake to be in and not escape. The enclosure needs to be sturdy, safe for the snake, and childproof. A full-grown Burmese Python needs an enclosure that is 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet tall.

You can use paper bedding, but a lot of snake owners use linoleum or reptile carpeting. This will make the cage easy to clean and disinfect. 

The snake will need some hide boxes. You can use plastic storage bins that are not see-through for this. Just put it upside down and cut an entrance hole in it.

There should also be a large water container. A baby bathtub, storage bin, or cat box could be used for this purpose. Make sure it is weighted down so that it doesn’t tip over.


Full-grown Burmese Pythons should be fed at least once every 10 days. If they get too hungry, they will become more interested in snaking on a human. If they are fed too much, they will become obese. They will eat frozen rats or rabbits. It is not a good idea to have live animals in with the snake, as they might hurt the snake before they are eaten. 

Don’t handle rodents before handling the snake because it might think you are a rodent and try to eat you. Also, don’t handle the snake for a few days after eating or it won’t digest properly.

Lifespan and Health

Python head https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Python_bivittatus_1701.jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Python_bivittatus_1701.jpg

 These snakes can live up to 15-20 years. It can be really hard to rehome a full-grown snake so if you adopt one that is young, make sure you can care for it for the entire lifespan. It is very dangerous and illegal to let a Burmese Python loose.

Burmese Pythons can get a fatal virus called Inclusion Body Disease. They can also get mouth rot and respiratory infections. Be sure you have a vet that is experienced with caring for large snakes.

Burmese Pythons can be very interesting pets to have, but they need to be respected. They are large and strong, live a long time, need large and sturdy enclosures, and can be expensive to feed.

To find out about other reptile pets and pets of other species, return to the Best Pet For Me List.

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