About Me - Linda Velwest

Linda Velwest holding her cat, Cap'm Nick FurryMe and my cat Cap'm Nick Furry

Linda Velwest has a lifelong love of pets and giving a loving home to needy pets.

Cat- Marshall on the stairsMy cat Marshall
Rchiard Parker by his food bowlMy cat Richard Parker

Hi - I'm Linda Velwest. As a child, I had many cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, a rabbit, and a cameleon. I raised a puppy for the seeing eye program.

Linda Velwest Early Years Pets

Marshall hanging out on the couchMarshall lounging on the couch

One of my cats was a stray cat near my grandmother's house in rural Pennsylvania.  My family was visiting my grandmother during the winter and I coaxed the kitten inside to sit by the stove. She never wanted to leave! After tons of begging my mom and lots of assurances that I would take care of the kitten, we brought her to our home and Miss Cleo lived a long and happy life.

Linda Velwest Adult Pets

My four guinea pigsMy guinea pigs enjoying a salad

When I met my husband, he was alergic to animals, so I thought I would say goodby to that part of my life in order to be with him.  when our kids started asking for pets, we decided to foster some animals so our kids would get a pet experience without the long term commitment.  It turned out my husband wasn't as allergic as we thought and he tolerated most of our foster pets really well. After a few "foster fails" we discovered that he was ok with pets and we have a menagerie of cats, pigs and guinea pigs at the house

Linda Velwest Always Learning and Lending a Helping Hand

Petunia and HammyMy pigs Petunia and Hammy

My pets were always important to me. I took the best care of them that I could, although I didn't always know what the best way to care for a pet was. When I was little there was no internet so I could only go to the library to learn about pet care. Now I'm here to guide you to find the best pet for you and help you figure out how to care of it.  I can also help with animals you find on the street, how you can start an animal rescue, how you can add the joy of pets in your life no matter what your circumstance is, and how to have fun with pet rescue.

I hope you enjoy my website. I wish to provide the information on rescue pets that you need. I aim to celebrate pets and their humans and honor the animals we share this world with.

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