Rescue Pet Memorials

Here you can find links to stories about beloved pets who are no longer with us. Pet owners write a memorial to their rescue pet and we can read all about them.

Richard Parker the cat sitting by his food bowl

Richard Parker was a very friendly stray cat that I adapted. He  had some great years with us after have a rough and tumble life on the streets. He dies too young of cancer.

Marshal held in my arms

Marshal was found in a park near my house. He became our second cat. He died way too young-8 years old-from cancer 

Mischief the cat sitting on a couch

Mischief was a foster fail. My first cat as an adult. He lived a long and peaceful life. 

Tell me about what made your pet special

I'd like to invite you to make a web page about the life of your pet. It can be a loving memorial to the bond that you shared. You can come back to visit your page whenever you want to reminisce. Invite your friends and family to view your pet memorial page. Anyone on the internet can read about your beloved pet and see happy pictures of them.

Write about how you rescued your pet, the fun moments you had together. Let us know their favorite toys, food, nap places. What made your pet unique?

Let us know all about your pet. You can write about their early days, the years you had together, and their final days.

Submissions should be at least 500 words and I would love to have pictures of you and your pet. If you need any help crafting the perfect web page for your pet - reach out to me and I'll guide you.

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Richard Parker 
As I would leave my house, I would often see a cat that looked just like my cat on the street. I was always surprised because I'd see my cat, Marshal, …

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