
A mouse being held by a person Photo by Татьяна Угрюмова: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-and-white-mouse-on-persons-hand-11532195/Photo by Татьяна Угрюмова: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-and-white-mouse-on-persons-hand-11532195/

Mice are tiny pets with a short lifespan. They enjoy running around their cage and can be trained to enjoy handling.


Up to four mice can live in a 10-gallon aquarium. Wire cages are actually better because they provide good ventilation.  Just make sure the wires are close enough together that the mouse can’t squeeze out and that they are sturdy so that the mouse won’t chew through the wires. Habitrails for hamsters would also work, however, they can be difficult to clean and don’t provide great ventilation.

Keep the cage out of direct sunlight and drafts. Mice are pretty sensitive to temperatures.


You should avoid cedar and pine bedding. The smell is not good for mice. Also avoid fluffy bedding because they can get tangled in it and it is not good for them to chew onl Aspen, hay, hemp, or paper bedding is fine. They should have at least 3 inches of bedding so they can dig.  You should clean the soiled bedding at least once a week and spot clean the cage a few times a week. Balance the need for cleanliness with the mouses need for peace and quiet.

pet white mouse Photo by Choco Virat: https://www.pexels.com/photo/hands-holding-white-mouse-6552969/Photo by Choco Virat: https://www.pexels.com/photo/hands-holding-white-mouse-6552969/

Food and Water

Mice like to forage. You can spread food and treats throughout the cage so they can surrey around looking for it.  You can buy commercial mouse food and supplement this with a variety of other things.  Mice will eat both plants and animal products.  They might enjoy fruits and vegetables, pasta (either cooked or raw), seeds, peas and beans, hard-boiled eggs, healthy cereals, even dog biscuits and mealworms. 

Water in bowls or bottles is great for mice.

Sociability, Activity and Toys

Mice are pretty sociable and can easily be trained to enjoy handling.  They also like to live in a group of mice. A group of female mice can easily live together.  A group of males should be littermates or at least have been together from a young age, or else they might fight.  Even males who get along need their space, so the cage should be super big if you have more than one male mouse. Males and females kept together make baby mice really quickly, so be careful of that as well.

Be really careful when handling mice.  They are tiny and can be easily injured by squeezing or dropping them.  They should not be picked up by their tail.  They will definitely bite if they are scared, especially if they have bad experiences with being held.

 They need to have lots of chew toys and could benefit from different levels so they can climb. They also like digging the bedding. They’ll enjoy hammocks and hiding places

girl holding a mouse Photo by Anna Bondarenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-woman-playing-with-a-cute-mouse-6947346/Photo by Anna Bondarenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-woman-playing-with-a-cute-mouse-6947346/


Mice tend to be 3-5 inches and weigh 1 ounce.

Lifespan and Health

Mice have very short lifespans.  It is common for them to live only one year, but they can also live 2 years or longer, especially if they are well taken care of and entertained. Injuries and cancer are frequent ailments of mice.

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