
Gerbil in nature Photo by Free Nomad on UnsplashPhoto by Free Nomad

Gerbils are sociable and they are awake during the day so you might have more interaction with a gerbil than other small pets.


It’s ok to keep them in an aquarium with a wire top for ventilation.  The size of the aquarium should be 5 gallons for each gerbil. Wire cages or habitrail cages are also good choices. They like to rearrange their bedding, so if you keep them in a wire cage, they will make a big mess! Allow them some free roaming out-of-cage time in a safe place for them if you can. So they can explore new areas. They can be trained to enjoy gentle handling, but they really like to run around.


Gerbils really like to burrow. They need a thick layer of bedding so they can dig into it.  Like other small furry animals, stay away from cedar or pine shavings. Opt for aspen shavings and plain paper. 

Food and Water

Be careful about feeding them too many seeds, like sunflower seeds, because they are really fattening. They should have access to gerbil food and water and you can give them some fresh veggies as well.

Sociability, Activity, and Toys

You should have at least two. Get them together when they are young because they are territorial and might fight when they are introduced as adults. 

Gerbils are not nocturnal, so you’ll be able to see their playful side.  They like to get exercise. You’ll see them stand up on their hind legs when they are curious. They like being in a busy area so they can see what is going on around them. An exercise wheel is a great toy - just be sure they can’t get their feet or tail tangled in it.  Also, they enjoy chew toys.  Wooden toys, hemp, stickers, and toilet paper rolls are great choices.  They will want to nest, so provide them with a little box they can put their bedding in and be all warm and cozy.


Gerbil bodies are usually about 4-6 inches in length with an additional 3-4 inches of tail. They weigh 2-4 ounces

Lifespan and Health

Pet gerbils tend to live 3-5 years. They sometimes get injured, especially the tail, or if they are dropped from a height.  They can also get parasites that cause hair loss or itchy skin, seizures, or an inner ear mass. Older gerbils may get kidney disease.

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