Esterillos Oeste

Esterillos Oeste is another beach town that we went to during our eco-tourism trip to Costa Rica. We went there right after Puerto Jimenez. The surf in Esterillos Oeste was very rough and we never went into the water. My husband wasn’t feeling well, so we didn’t go to anything that we planned to do and I spent some time just wandering around the town. I'm not advertizing anything - I'm just recounting the things I did during my trip for informational purposes

Hotel La Dolce Vita

A cat looking through the glass door of my hotel room

We stayed right on the beach at the Hotel La Dolce Vita. We walked past the pool and through the gate on one side and we were right on the beach. If we walked out the other side of the hotel, we were on our way to the town.

I made friends with the local kitties by saving them some of the eggs I got for breakfast.

My breakfast of eggs and toas with juice and a cat outside looking in at me
Anothe cat outside of my room
A dog in a restaurant begging for food

The local dogs liked us as well.

My Walks in the Area

The beach at Esterillos Oeste in the evening

I walked along the beach.

People bringing a boat to shore at the beach
Sunset over the water
A shelter with a mattress in it

and I walked through the town. I saw houses of various types.

a two story house with sandbags in front
A sign for a home that says "Ricos y Famosos"
a Small house in a series of small houses
A larger two story house with a car parked underneath an overhand
an old looking tree

I saw interesting plants

a pretty purple and while flower
a pretty yellow flower
a rabbit and a chicken at the side of the road

and animals,

some cows among some trees
some people going down the road toward the beach on an ATV with a dog running in front of them

and people.

Our Last Night

There was a big Christmas parade! We heard the marching band playing for quite a while before we went out to see what it was.

People on donkeys in the parade
a marching band with one of the drummers raising his drum up high
a marching band
two guys on a football field. One dress up like a cow and another like soe ort of character. There are other people dressed normally in the background

We followed the parade and it ended at a football field.


What we wanted to do while in Esterillos Oeste was watch baby turtles be released. We just weren’t up to driving to the release sites. We were pretty tired by the end of our trip. We were in touch with Vida Tortuga and Victor Carmona about turtle releases, but unfortunately, we were not up to it at the time. It would have been so cool to see that!

End of Our Trip

Sunday we left the hotel, drove to San Jose, and had some extra time. We went to the City Mall in San Jose, had some food, and walked around there. We returned the rental car and had plenty of time to make our late evening flight. We got home safe and sound the next morning.

It was an exciting eco-tourism trip and we got to see so many animals. We were happy to support the eco-tourism in Costa Rica. We learned a lot, saw a lot, and tried not to disturb the eco system too much. It was a great time.

We enjoyed our time in Heredia, Monteverde, Uvita, Puerto Jimenez, and Esterillos Oeste. The things I did, the places I saw, the animals I observed, and the people I met was all fantastic. But there were many other places in Costa Rica that we didn't visit. Someone else might go on a trip here anot be very busy and not do any of the things I did. I'm glad I got a chance to be there and I'll always remember it.

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