Corcovado Beach Lodge and the Puerto Jimenez Area

We had three fantastic tours in the Puerto Jimenez area during our eco-tourism trip to Costa Rica. We also visited a wonderful “Sloth Garden”. Here I’m going to focus on the place we stayed at and some of the independent things we did. I'm not advertising for anyone in this article - I'm just recounting my ecotourism trip.

Corcovado Beach Lodge

A selfie of my husband with me in the background. We both look very solemn for some reason. We are inside of our room at Corcovado Beach lodge and there are windows all around us

We had a lovely beachfront casita at Corcovado Beach Lodge. It was a circular building so there were windows all around and we could look right out to the beach.

some birds on palm leaves that se saw from our breakfast nook

There was a porch where they served breakfast and we could see wildlife from that porch. It was amazing!

A Macaw that we could see while eating breakfast
A toucan in the trees by our hotel

It was hard to find the place at first. Our GPS sent us close, but not at the correct place. Once we knew where to go, we were able to find it easily.

The first night we walked down a path to a restaurant. On the way home we ran into some wildlife on the path. I have no pictures of he huge crocodile sitting on the path with its mouth open because I immediately started running in the opposite direction!!! The people at the restaurant said there are definitely crocodiles around and it wouldn’t help to go back to the hotel by walking on the beach because that’s where the crocodiles were headed. We called the hotel nd someone came to escort us back. By then the crocodile was gone. He said they keep their mouths open to regulate their body temperature, they don’t really bother you unless you come right up to them, and they just want to be left alone.


A white bird standing in the water at the beach

We walked a lot on the beach right by the hotel.

the beach at high tide with trees growing in the water and a ship in the background
The sun peeking through palm trees at the beach
Two black birds on the beach with trees in the background
One bird standing in the water at the beach
seeral birds on the shore at the beach
A picture of me on a kayak paddling in the water

We went kayaking for a little while

The view of the water from our kayak

We also went to Playa Juanito Mora when we were out and just wanted a swim. We visited Playa Blanca and had a great lunch at Bistro Playa Blanca. We had some wonderful coffee and snacks at Cafe Monka.

Finca Kobo

The people at La Perica Sloth Garden recommended we check out Finca Kobo. It’s a hotel with sustainable gardens and a chocolate tour. The owner noticed that the monkeys ate the cocoa beans, so he planted a bunch of fruit trees and other plants for the monkeys and they left the cocoa alone!

A monkey on the ground among trees behind a wooden bench

They were not giving tours the day we went, but they let us wander around the gardens. It’s here where we saw a lot of monkeys

a close up of a purple flower

And some interesting plants

a bird in paradise plant
A cocoa tree with several cocoa pods hanging from it

When our time in Puerto Jimenez was finished, we started heading back north to the airport, with a few days stop in Esterillos Oeste during our eco-tourism trip to Costa Rica.

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