Chickens, Ducks, and Geese

A bunch of chickens on a porchPhoto by Anton Malanin.

These are all birds that are usually kept on farms or in the wild and often kept outside in the city. A big plus of having these birds is that they make eggs that you can eat. These aren’t “free” eggs. It costs a lot for the care and feeding of your pet bird. But it is a kind of cool side benefit.

Before you think about rescuing any of these birds, be very sure that it is legal for you to have them in the city, and what restrictions there are. Some cities will allow chickens and ducks, but not geese. You might need to keep your chicken coop a certain number of feet from other houses or yards. If you have to keep your chickens at least 100 feet away from anyone else's property and your yard is only 25 feet across, you can not keep chickens at your place. Be sure you understand the laws in your city, county and state for the exact kind of pet that you are getting before you give that pet a home. If you are not careful, you will get hefty fines or your pet will be confiscated. You can always work to change the law, but you should do that before you have the bird, not after.

A rooster crowingPhoto by Dušan veverkolog.

Many cities that allow chickens only allow hens and not roosters. This is because the roosters make a lot of noise. If you unknowingly adopt a rooster, you would probably need to find a home for it or cull it. Neither of these options are great for most pet owners.

Bird Breeds

Some Pilgrim Geese on a pondPhoto by Bernard Spragg.

It is illegal to have Canada Geese as pets just about everywhere. A pet Canada Goose that is being rehomed should go to a sanctuary where it has the possibility of being rehabilitated to be released in the wild. Geese that make good pets include Toulouse, American Buff, and Pilgrim.

A bantam chickenPhoto by Michael Romanov.

There are many different types of chickens, ducks, and geese. Each breed has it’s own characteristics, but each individual bird of any breed has it’s own personality.

Bantam chickens are smaller than other chickens, so they might be better suited for urban living.  Some of these breeds that you can find in bantam sizes include  Barred Rock, Brahma, Easter Eggers, and Leghorns.

A Welsh Harlequin Duck

Good duck breeds for backyard pets include Pekin ducks, Welsh Harlequin, and Muscovy.


Chickens eatingPhoto by TIVASEE:

You can buy chicken feed or duck feed and give it to your birds once or twice a day. You should also supplement the feed with fresh vegetables and maybe sometimes fruits.

Geese love grass and that will be the biggest part of their diet. You should also give them some grains and they can also benefit from vegetables.

It’s good to provide some free outdoor time for all of these birds so they can dig around for worms, bugs or other dietary supplements.

Of course, they should always have drinking water.


A chicken coming down  ramp from their coopPhoto by Tom Ungerer on Unsplash.

They all need some sort of shelter from the elements and predators. Rats, racoons, dogs that get loose, and hawks are all common predators for these birds in the city. Your pets should have a safe place to be locked up in at night. Chickens need a place to roost, so a chicken coop should be tall and have perches and some boxes for them to sit in.

At the very least, you need a run for the birds outdoors. This could be a sort of tunnel that is enclosed with chicken wire or some other barrier to predators. Many people allow their birds to roam free in their yard. As long as they are safe, this is the best option.

A duck in a child's swimming pool

Geese and ducks require a source of water that they can swim in. A backyard pond would be great. A child swimming pool would also work. The birds need to swim and get their body wet.  The pool or pond would need to be cleaned often.

Some people keep these birds indoors. The geese or ducks could swim in the bathtub. IF you look on Etsy, or other online place, you’ll find chicken, duck and goose diapers for these indoor pets. They are pretty cute!


I once kept a few chickens in my bathroom for a few months while they were being rehomed. I can speak from experience. You need to be diligent about cleaning. These birds poop a lot and it can be really smelly and gross. The chicken coop should have bedding and that should be cleaned once a week, more or less. The pond should also be emptied, cleaned, and refilled with fresh water.

On the plus side, the poop can be composted and used in the garden. The dirty pond water can also be used on plants as it contains many great nutrients.


A bunch of chickensPhoto by Zachariah Smith.

These birds are in flocks in the wild, so you should have at least two, or more. Having friends of the same species is often important, but if you only have one, you can give your pet tons of attention and interesting things to do. Sometimes having a mirror helps the bird feel less alone!

Letting them outside to poke around in the dirt is always great. The chickens like to take dust baths. The geese will like to eat the grass. Letting them out on concrete too much may hurt their feet. You can hang vegetables like cabbage from a tree and they can have a good time pecking at it. Vary where you feed them so they have to look around for their food.

A chicken on a perchPhoto by Martin Boháč.

They will all like perches, hiding places, ramps, and things to climb on. Put your old Christmas tree in the pen for them to climb over. Put some crickets in the pen and watch the birds chase after them. You can get a chicken swing or place food on a xylophone. Eventually, the chickens might start playing the xylophone just for something to do.

A pond to swim in is important for ducks and geese. You can place bright things at the bottom of the pond so the ducks or geese dive down for them.

They might like a TV, a mirrorball, or a pinwheel - something that gives them moving images to look at.

There are all kinds of activities you can provide to stimulate your pet birds. Just don’t go over board with the food related fun. You don’t want to make your birds too fat which makes it hard for them to move around and gives them health problems.


It's definitely possible to have these birds as pets in the city. It's best if you have a bit of a backyard, they would probably not be happy as just indoor apartment pets. You can also explore my pet pig page, or find out about other pets on my best pet for me page.

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