Caiman Lizards

Caiman lizards are fascinating creatures. They are very large lizards. What makes them difficult to care for is that they need a lot of space, a big pool to swim in, and they have high humidity needs.

a caiman lizard on a log.


Not really. Caiman lizards like to be left alone. They can be trained to be handled, but you don’t have to handle them. They are generally peaceful. However, if they feel scared or threatened, they will bite. Their bite can be strong and hurtful, so be careful of that. They are considered not good pets for beginners because they need so much space and water and they might bite hard.

Like People?

They will tolerate handling if done respectfully. Pick them up by scooping them from below, rather than grabbing them from the top. Let them come to you. Support their whole body. Keep handling time short at first until the lizard gets used to it. Remember, you don’t need to handle the lizard, it is perfectly ok, and safer, to just observe it.


Caiman lizards are diurnal. This means they like to be awake during the day and sleep at night.


They are on the larger side of pet lizards. They will grow to be over 4 or 5 feet long. Between their large size and habitat needs, you would need a very large enclosure for a pet Caiman Lizard

A caiman lizard among leaves.

Temperature and Humidity

The hot part of the cage should be around 90-100 degrees F and the cool part can be as low as 70-80 degrees F. You should use UV lights and other lighting to keep daylight for 12-14 hours a day.

Humidity should be at least 60% at all times, but preferably 70-80%. Some Caiman Lizard owners use automatic misters to keep the humidity up, in addition to manually misting, using moss, and other humidity-enhancing effects


These are large lizards who like the water. You will need a large cage with a pool. Many Caiman lizard owners construct their own cage. The enclosure should be at least 6 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet. Bigger is better.

There should be a sizable pool in the enclosure that is at least 1 foot deep so the lizard can swim in it. The pool can take up half the floor space and should be heated to 78 degrees F.

The cage should have branches for the lizard to climb on and bask on. They really like to climb and swim. Real or artificial plants will make the cage look nice. Ledges, lots of branches, and hidies will make a nice habitat for a lizard. Line the bottom of the cage with reptile soil.

You need to be able to clean and disinfect the cage regularly.


Caiman Lizards eat aquatic snails in the wild. Pet lizards will eat canned reptile snails, shrimps, mealworms, crickets, and canned Tegu food. It is recommended to dust their food with vitamins and calcium. They also like to eat fruit every once in a while. They should be fed every other day.

Lifespan and Health

You can expect a pet Caiman Lizard to live for 10 years.  They are susceptible to common reptile health problems such as parasites, respiratory infections, and problems with shedding. Be sure to keep their enclosure clean and disinfected while feeding them healthy food.

To find out about other reptile pets and pets of other species, return to the Best Pet For Me List.

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