Boa constrictors (or any constrictor)

Boa Constrictors, and all constrictors are popular pets because they are pretty impressive looking and they can be quite tame. They are generally not considered good for beginners because of the training that is involved, their large size, and their strength. You really need to understand the snake so that it stays safe around you.

A person holding a boa constrictor, which is wrapped around the person's hand.,_boa_constrictora.jpg,_boa_constrictora.jpg

Boa constrictors are originally from Central and South America and the Caribbean. They exist in a variety of habitats such as the edges of rainforest clearings or edges, woodlands, grasslands, dry tropical forests, and semi-deserts.


They are not a danger to humans, even children. Humans are much too large for a constrictor to eat.  They are generally quite tame, especially domesticated snakes. But they will bite hard if they are scared, threatened, handled too close to mealtime, or overly stressed. They are not venomous, but the bite will hurt. They are big and strong but don’t attack people.

Like People?

B boa constrictor wrapped around a man's neck and he is holding the snake's head so the camera can see it,_Jersey_Zoo.jpg,_Jersey_Zoo.jpg

If they are handled frequently and not stressed when they are handled, they will enjoy it and like sharing the heat of your body. They do like to hide and can be quite scared. As long as you respect them, they will probably do fine with you.


They like to sleep during the day and are awake at night. Some owners want to sleep with their snakes and this is a bad idea. You could hurt the snake or it could slither off in the night and disappear. Only handle the snake when you are awake.


These are big snakes. Females tend to be bigger than males. The average adult is around 4-7 feet long, but they can be even longer. They can weigh 30 pounds or more.

Temperature and Humidity

They don’t need special light but they like high humidity of between 55-75%. You can have a water dish they can go in or a waterfall in the cool end of the cage to keep the humidity up. Moss as a cage liner also helps to keep humidity up.

They should have a temperature gradient in their cage from 95 degrees F in the hot spot to 80 degrees F in the cooler area.


A boa constrictor on the ground with leaves around it.

Constrictors like to be on the ground and in trees. It would be great to have a hiding place for them on the ground and branches they can curl around on. The bottom of the cage should be absorbent, easy to clean, and soft on their skin. Paper towels, reptile carpets, moss, or something similar would be good.

Their cage should be huge. A full-grown snake could use a 75-gallon aquarium or similar arrangement. Make sure the top is very well secured because the snake is strong and could escape otherwise.


Baby snakes should eat weekly or a couple of times a week. Adult large snakes only need to eat every other week. The larger ones will eat larger food. Snakes should have pretty that is smaller than their thickness. Boas constrictors are fine with already dead prey. The little ones will have mice and the larger ones can eat rabbits.

Lifespan and Health

They will live for 20-30 years, so having a boa constrictor as a pet can be quite a commitment. Diseases that are common with these snakes include scale rot, respiratory problems, and a disease that is similar to AIDS in humans called Inclusion Body Disease.

Female constrictors give birth to live babies instead of laying eggs like most snakes. The babies become independent pretty quickly.

Constrictor snakes have been hunted for their skins which are then used for shoes, belts, and other accessories.

To find out about other reptile pets and pets of other species, return to the Best Pet For Me List.

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